Kyzylkum Reserve


On the banks of the Amu Darya River, not only forests and meadows are protected, but also part of the Kyzylkum desert. The desert makes up about two thirds of the sand zone of the protected area.

Desert plants in the reserve include saxaul, Circassian, desert acacia, hodgepodge, astragalus and ephemera. Also poplar, willow and reed grows here. The diverse fauna of the protected area is represented by wild boar, fox, jackal, badger. Bukhara deer and gazelles are also of particular interest here. The reserve is home to many lizards and reptiles. Here you can find birds such as pigeons, waders, herons, ducks, pheasants, pelicans and flamingos. The reserve is famous for a variety of fish species, including carp, silver carp, pike, rudd, bream, carp and catfish.


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